Thursday, May 15, 2008

Timely Questions about Christian Online Dating from your Romance Coach and Online Dating Coach

A quick question from your Romance Coach and Christian Online Dating Coach,

how is your dating life?
how much Christian Dating are you doing?
have you posted your Online Dating Profile yet at a number of Christian Online Dating Sites?
Do you even KNOW of several Christian Online Dating Sites?

I'll be sure to cover all of that over time here as we address finding your Christian Soul Mate and all things about Christian Romance, Christian Courtship, and Christian marriage as Jesus Christ expresses in The Bible.

All the best and God bless!

April Braswell
Romance Coach, Online Dating Coach

Quick Check in from Romance Coach and Online Dating Coach about Christian Online Dating!

Just a quick note from your Christian Romance Coach, and Christian Online Dating Coach, I'm getting things up and running here about Christian Dating, Christian Online Dating, and How to Find Your Soul Mate as a Christian. Looking forward to hearing all about Christian Dating Today and what it is like for Christians to Date, for Christians asking How to Find a Husband, How to Find a Wife, who are Christian.

As a Romance Coach, and a Christian lady, I am always asking my clients when they first approach me:

What do you want?
What are your relationship goals?
Do you want to get married?
What does marriage mean to you?
What do you want to get married as a Christian?
Do you want a Christian Wife?
Do you want a Christian Husband?

These are just some of the questions we will go over in our first working together in my work as a Romance Coach and Online Dating Coach.

Remember to go to Bible Study!

Enjoy and God bless,

April Braswell
Romance Coach, Online Dating Coach

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Welcome to Christian Online Dating from your Romance Coach and Online Dating Coach!

Welcome to Christian Online Dating blog. In my role as an expert Romance Coach and expert Online Dating Coach, I'll be covering such topics at Christian Dating, Christian Dating Online, Christian Dating Sites, Christian Internet Dating, Christian Marriage and How to find a husband, and how to find a wife that are Christian, Christian Soul Mates and everything imaginable about Christian Dating. Christian Dating Advice and Tips, too

Enjoy and God bless!

April Braswell
Romance Coach, Online Dating Coach